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Elk Grove Citizen

Springers Join Citizen of the Year Roster

Nov 21, 2024 09:25AM ● By Joe Wirt

Past Citizens of the Year posed for a group photo, above, with the Springers front and center, behind the trophy. Photo by J.G. Wirt

Following a light roasting by emcee Mark Hedlund, Jason and Raelynn Springer became Citizen of the Year honorees on Nov. 12 at District56. The Springers’ avid volunteerism and tireless support of friends and family earned them the honor. At the event, the Lions Club prepared a barbecue dinner, served by FAA students. Past Citizens of the Year posed for a group photo, above, with the Springers front and center, behind the trophy. Elk Grove has named a Citizen of the Year since 1955. A committee drawn from local civic groups considers nominations, and the groups co-sponsor the banquet. The Elk Grove Chamber of Commerce lists previous honorees at Photo by J.G. Wirt