Sacramento County Rezones Aim to Boost Affordable Housing
Aug 27, 2024 09:32AM ● By Sacramento County News Release
Rezones will take effect on Sept. 19. Photo courtesy of Sacramento County
SACRAMENTO COUNTY, CA (MPG) - The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted Aug. 20 to adopt a series of resolutions and ordinances to rezone sites throughout the county, a move aimed at addressing the shortfall of 2,884 units in the county’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) for the lower-income category (households with incomes less than 80 percent of area median income; income levels less than $69,050).
The plan will rezone 74 infill sites across the county to allow for the construction of housing units for a range of income levels. By rezoning these parcels, the county hopes to encourage developers to build more multi-family units and subsidized housing projects.
“This rezone project is a significant step toward addressing the critical housing shortage in Sacramento County and we have certain sites that already have developer interest,” said Todd Smith, Sacramento County planning director.
“By prioritizing the development of lower-income housing units, we are not only meeting our immediate obligations but also laying the groundwork for a more inclusive, equitable and green future,” Smith said. “These rezones will create opportunities for families and individuals who need it most, ensuring that our communities remain vibrant and diverse while also reducing vehicle miles traveled, meaning lower greenhouse gas emissions.”
The 74 rezoned sites are located within 10 community planning areas: Antelope, Arden-Arcade, Carmichael/Old Foothill Farms, Cordova, Fair Oaks, North Highlands, Orangevale, Rio Linda/Elverta, South Sacramento and Vineyard.
These rezones will take effect on Sept. 19.
While the Regional Housing Needs Allocation obligations have now been met, the county remains committed to increasing residential capacity in furtherance of section A1 of the County’s Housing Element with a goal of rezoning additional sites in 2025.