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Elk Grove Citizen

EG Heads Back to School

Aug 09, 2024 10:43AM ● By Matthew Malone

Many Elk Grove Unified School District students return to school on Aug. 15 or 19. Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

ELK GROVE, CA (MPG) - The new school year is just around the corner for many students in Elk Grove Unified School District. The first day of class for schools on traditional and modified traditional calendars is Aug. 15, and A-Track students at year-round schools return to class on Aug. 19.
High schools and middle schools, as well as Jessie Baker School and Elk Grove Charter School, use the traditional calendar. See the infobox with this article for lists of elementary schools on a traditional calendar and those on the year-round calendar.
The school district and the city of Elk Grove had messages to make sure the start of school goes smoothly and safely.
In a notice, the district encouraged families to review the 2024-2025 Elk Grove Unified School District Parent and Student Handbook, for “a lot of information and valuable resources that can help your student be engaged and successful.” The handbook is online at (All URLs are case sensitive)
The district also asked parents to fill out the Educational Benefits Form, which is available on the district’s Parentvue platform.
The district highlighted additional resources, noting that Sacramento Regional Transit District (SacRT) offers students free use of its services. These include buses, light rail and the SmaRT Ride on-demand microtransit service. SacRT’s page on the RydeFreeRT program is at
A new partnership with the company Varsity Tutors will provide free tutoring services to district students. 
Students who need help with homework can chat with a tutor 24/7. Students also will have access to practice tests and live classes on topics such as mathematics and reading. The Varsity Tutors service will become visible in the district’s student platform on Aug. 15. For more information, see the district’s announcement at
The city of Elk Grove on social media asked motorists to be careful while driving near schools, and it gave advice for children and parents walking or biking to school.
For drivers, the city said to be aware of your surroundings throughout school zones, to slow down in school zones to ensure pedestrian safety and to not drive distracted.
Those walking or biking to school should use designated crosswalks and look both ways before crossing, the city social media stated. 
Students should stay vigilant in case drivers are not paying attention and keep in mind that electric vehicles are very quiet
“Let’s work together to get every student to and from school safely this school year,” the city social media said.