Planning Passes Lot Split for Sheldon Dialysis, Adult Day Care
Jun 20, 2024 09:43AM ● By Matthew MaloneELK GROVE, CA (MPG) - The Elk Grove Planning Commission on June 6 approved a parcel split for an upcoming commercial development on Sheldon Road.
The Sheldon Farms North Commercial Project is located on five acres on the southeast corner of Sheldon and Bruceville roads. A tentative parcel map submitted to the city requested splitting the parcel into two lots, each of which would be the site of a single building and parking. According to the maps, the eastern parcel will be occupied by a dialysis clinic and the western parcel will house an adult day care.
Construction is already underway at the project.
The commission authorized previous steps in the project, starting in 2020.
Casey Feickert, vice president of applicant TSD Engineering, said the firm had no comment on the conditions of approval and that it is “happy” to move forward with the parcel split.
The commissioners had no immediate comment on the project, and they approved it by unanimous vote.
Later, Planning Commission Vice-Chair Juan Fernandez said that when the project first came before the commission, he had not known what an adult day care is.
“It’s good to note that it’s under construction,” Fernandez said.
The commission agreed to cancel its scheduled June 20 meeting due to a lack of planned items and it canceled its July 4 meeting because of Independence Day.