High School Athletes Join With Special-Ed Students
Apr 11, 2024 10:17AM ● By Alejandro Barron
The Franklin Wildcats pose with their championship trophy after defeating the Laguna Creek Cardinals in the championship game of the Unified Basketball League Tournament at Laguna Creek High School on April 5. Photos by Alejandro Barron
ELK GROVE. CA (MPG) - High school athletics receive support from parents, students and media with athletes getting cheered on for all the buckets, late buzzer beaters and more, but what about those who might not have that same opportunity?
Well, the Unified Basketball League allows special education students to be paired up with general-education athletes on co-ed teams so they can know what it feels like to be on the court.
“I think the toughest thing is we get a ton of support for our general-ed teams at our basketball, football, softball or baseball games and some of our main supporters are students with special needs and they never get to have that feeling of making a last-minute shot or making a basket in general and to give them this opportunity through this is the best part,” Laguna Creek teacher and football coach Ryan Nill said.
Laguna Creek, Elk Grove, Valley, Monterey Trail and Franklin schools have been participating in individual games that culminated on April 5 with the first Elk Grove Unified School District’s Unified Basketball League championship tournament at Laguna Creek.
Nill brought this idea forward because of a prior experience in another school district.
“One of my biggest motivations, when I came to Laguna to teach, was to bring the Special Olympics that I did in Soledad Unified School District out in Monterey County and bring it here,” Nill said. “We started with track and field and then we had a Unified Basketball interest from both Elk Grove and our side (Laguna Creek) and Special Olympics introduced us to the Unified Basketball League and we picked up from there.”
One of the athletes who competed in this inaugural tournament included Ari Post, a sophomore student from Franklin High School, who enjoyed her time on the court and was a fan favorite as the crowd erupted with every bucket she scored.
“Running and a pizza party,” Post said enthusiastically when asked what her favorite part of the tournament was. “And having all my family and supporters.”
“It has been a lot of work to organize this league,” according to Nill, but it has been received “with a ton of support” and he hopes to expand this event to the whole school district and beyond.
“We really want to grow it to the other four schools in the district next year. There’s five of us that competed this year and once we get all nine schools I think we’ll even grow it out to start competing with other leagues as well,” Nill said.
One of the tournament’s head coaches included Franklin High School teacher and head varsity basketball coach Ken Manfredi, who describes this league and tournament as a phenomenal experience.
“It’s impressive to see how well organized the league was so as we continue to play games, it was very motivating for us to get some ideas for next year, like the great school spirit Laguna had and Elk Grove as well with the gym packed, the band and cheerleaders there,” Manfredi said.
“We’re really excited to provide the opportunity to be in the league again next year.”
The Franklin Wildcats took the inaugural tournament win, but as Manfredi said, the biggest trophy was the smiles on all these athletes' faces.
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