American Legion BBQ N Boots Dinner and Dance
Mar 29, 2023 12:00AM ● By American Legion Post 383 News ReleaseFAIR OAKS, CA (MPG) - American Legion Post 383 is hosting a dinner and dance featuring Country Western music by the “BRISCO COUNTY” band and Texas RoadHouse Sirloin Steak or BBQ Chicken with all the fixin’s on Saturday, April 15, 2023.
Location: Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Hall, 8990 Kruitof Way, Fair Oaks (off Hazel) Time: Doors open at 4:30, No-Host Saloon at 5:00 pm, Dinner at 6:00 pm, Music at 7:00 pm! There will be drawings for sensational prizes throughout the evening! Donations are $40 per person, Children under 12 - $25 each. (limited # of tickets)
Donations are to support our local Veterans, Active-duty Military, and their families in need, as well as the Junior ROTC, California Boys & Girls State, Scouts BSA program, and other Veteran sponsored events supporting Americanism.
Time to get your COUNTRY ON (No spurs on boots) and have a finger licking good time!!! For ticket info, contact Deputy Mark at 916-204-8151.