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Elk Grove Citizen

SJUSD Teacher of the Month Named Serves Students with Visual Impairments

Jan 11, 2023 12:00AM ● By T-Rock Communications

SJUSD Teacher of the Month for January Jessica Campos is a Teacher for Students with Visual Impairments. Photo courtesy of ABC10

SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) - ABC10, in partnership with SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union and Sacramento State’s College of Education, is proud to announce Jessica Campos – who teaches students with visual impairments for the San Juan School District – as Teacher of the Month for January 2023. In place for 20+ years, Teacher of the Month is one of ABC10’s signature community enrichment initiatives designed to highlight local teachers making a difference in the lives of their students and families. After being interviewed recently by ABC10’s Mark S. Allen, a seven-time Emmy Award winning member of the news team, an uplifting story about Ms. Campos will air multiple times during the month of January. The first time the story will air is on Tuesday, January 10 during ABC10’s morning news between 5-7 a.m. and again that same evening during ABC10 News at 5 p.m.

With 18 years of teaching experience, as an elementary school teacher for five years and as a Teacher for Students with Visual Impairments (TVI) for 13 years, Ms. Campos travels around the San Juan Unified School District providing instruction in braille, low vision aids, and assistive technology to Pre-K students to those up to 22 years of age.

When asked about why teachers matter, Ms. Campo said: “Teachers for Students with Visual Impairments create an environment to encourage independence, academic success, and prepare a student to be productive members of society.” She also has advice for those considering teaching as a career path: “It’s not a well-known credential in special education, but very much in demand. The credential allows you to work one-on-one with a child, so it’s very rewarding.”

As part of being recognized as Teacher of the Month, Ms. Campos will receive $1,000 from SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union plus will be eligible for the title of Esquire IMAX ABC10’s Teacher of the Year award – that includes a $5,000 prize – which will be announced at a special awards program early next year.

To nominate a local teacher in the greater Sacramento/Stockton/Modesto area for an upcoming Teacher of the Month, please visit