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Elk Grove Citizen

Give Your Sprinklers a Holiday

Dec 22, 2022 12:00AM ● By SSWD Staff

CARMICHAEL, CA (MPG) - Now is the perfect time to give your sprinklers a break after all the hard work they put in this past summer.

With December’s shorter and cooler days, your yard shouldn’t need much or any supplemental water. If it has been dry, check the soil first with a moisture meter or screwdriver. If you can easily push the screwdriver into the soil, you don’t need to water.

You can also take the headache and trouble out of turning off your sprinkler timer by upgrading to a weather-based one. WaterSense-labeled weather-based sprinkler timers use local weather data to control when and how long your sprinklers run. They have been estimated to help the average homeowner save over 8,000 gallons of water a year. SSWD has rebates up to $150 available to help with the cost.

SSWD also has complimentary moisture meters available at the District office at 3701 Marconi Avenue. Stop by today to pick up a moisture meter and one of our colorful 2023 calendar magnets.