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Elk Grove Citizen

Hey Presto - Magic's Back

Sep 15, 2022 12:00AM ● By Story and photo by Susan Maxwell Skinner

Illusionist Dale Lorzo and his wife Elaine will present a magic show at Hamilton Street Park on Friday, September 30.

SACRAMENTO REGION, CA (MPG) - A magic show will bring razzle dazzle to Arcade Creek Park District on September 30.

In the District’s first community event since pandemic restrictions eased, Carmichael illusionist Dale Lorzo and his wife (chief wizard) Elaine will whip bouquets and bunnies out of hats at the community center in Hamilton Street Park.

Celebrating 50 years in conjuring, Lorzo began making silk hankies disappear as a teenager in Eureka, CA. His wife Elaine joined the act 47 years ago. Their long joint career has included shows all over the state and a 35-year stint as goodwill ambassadors for McDonald’s.” We loved visiting schools and hospitals and helping people forget their worries,” says Lorzo. “And we got all the milkshakes and hamburgers we could eat.”

As for most entertainers, the pandemic put a lid on live performances for more than two years. “We tried to keep things alive with Zoom shows,” explains mustachioed Lorzo “Without audience participation, it just wasn’t the same. It’s great to get back doing what we do, in person. Elaine and I are thrilled to be part of this community celebration.”

The Lorzo’s “Magical Mysteries” showcase promises laughs and gasps. The act includes the couple’s signature lady-in-a-basket illusion – where Elaine climbs in a hamper and is summarily pieced with spears. “We’ve done this illusion ever since we were married,” notes Lorzo’s bride. “I’ve had some bruises. Thankfully, I’m still in one piece.”

The Lorzo’s Magical Mystery show begins at 6:30 pm on Friday, September 30. General admission is $10; $5 for children under 12 and for seniors over 65. A family of four is $25. For information, call (916) 482-8377.