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Elk Grove Citizen

Sacramento County Recognized for Green Fleet

Jun 27, 2022 12:00AM ● By Sac County News Release

SACRAMENTO COUNTY, CA (MPG) - In the fleet management world, springtime is award season, and Sacramento County came home with three awards this year!

These awards are the direct result of the Fleet Services Division’s constant innovation and drive toward a cleaner, greener fleet.

This May, Sacramento County was named: Number one Leading Public Fleet at the Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo Fleet Awards; The Advanced Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo Fleet Awards recognize fleet operators who show true leadership in clean transportation. Number three Best Fleet of 2022 by the NAFA Fleet Management Association; The NAFA 100 Best Fleets in the Americas program recognizes peak-performing fleet operations. This program identifies and encourages the ever-increasing levels of performance improvement and innovation within the public fleet industry. Number five leading fleet from Government Fleet and the American Public Works Association at the Government Fleet Expo and Conference. Fleets are judged on showing leadership with staff, with customers, and within the community; staying efficient and competitive; overcoming challenges; and having a vision and direction for the operation.

The County has long embraced clean air initiatives and has acted in many capacities to reduce dependence on foreign oil and use resources wisely. This commitment to fleet sustainability began in 1999 with the adoption of the County’s Heavy Duty Low Emission Vehicle Acquisition Policy.

“The County has 2,800 vehicles in its fleet,” said Keith Leech Chief, Fleet Services Division and Parking Enterprise. “By converting more than 60 percent of our total fuel consumption to renewable fuels and transitioning to advanced hybrid electric technology, we have significantly reduced our carbon footprint while achieving significant ongoing savings in fuel costs.” 

The Department of General Services Fleet Services Division is currently partnering with SMUD for free-of-charge fleet advisory services to deliver a comprehensive fleet electrification assessment with recommendations to transition the county’s fleet to Zero-Emission Vehicles.

About Sacramento County Fleet Services: Number of On-Highway Vehicles: 2,245; Number of Heavy-Duty Vehicles: 409; Number of Off-Highway Vehicles: 146; Number of Fleet Employees: 99

Fuel Statistics Calendar Year 2021: Total Fuel Consumption: 3,579,838 Gallons; Unleaded Gasoline: 1,343,657 Gallons; Conventional Diesel: 24,490 Gallons; Advanced tech / Hybrid Unleaded: 96,356 Gallons

Renewable Diesel: 742,697 Gallons; Propane Autogas: 10,783 Gasoline Gallon Equivalent (GGE); Renewable Liquefied Natural Gas: 597,393 GGE; Renewable Compressed Natural Gas: 764,462 GGE.

NOTE: Electric vehicle charging and Hydrogen fuel are not represented in the above totals.