District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert to Run for Attorney General
Apr 29, 2021 12:00AM ● By From Anne Marie Schubert for Attorney General
Anne Marie Schubert
SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) - Sacramento County District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert has announced she will be a candidate for Attorney General of California in 2022. Schubert made her announcement Monday morning while flanked by numerous crime victims, including victims of the infamous Golden State Killer.
“I am running for Attorney General because California’s criminal justice system is in chaos,” said Schubert.
“When policy makers and reckless prosecutors talk tough about protecting all of us, yet turn around and refuse to take action to protect any of us - that’s chaos. When politicians talk tough and tell you they will protect the vulnerable, yet they refuse to make hate crimes, domestic violence, child abuse, human trafficking of a child and rape of an unconscious person a violent crime - that’s chaos. When politicians pass law after law or issue directive after directive that erode criminal accountability and public safety - that’s chaos. When convicted murderers are celebrating in their jail cells that they’re going to get out of prison because of these policies - that’s chaos.
“Let me be clear - the newly appointed Attorney General helped create this chaos by voting for and supporting policies and laws that are not only destroying the rights of crime victims but are destroying public safety in this state.”
In his introduction of Schubert, Marc Klaas, father of murder victim Polly Klaas, said: “Today is a great day for California. One of our state’s most accomplished prosecutors and a hero to crime victims has decided to run to be California’s top public safety official. Anne Marie Schubert’s passion for victims and for justice is unsurpassed. Her record and accomplishments are unrivaled.”
While Anne Marie Schubert may be best known for the successful investigation, arrest and conviction of the Golden State Killer and for leading the successful effort to expose the state’s $30 billion EDD scandal, she has spent over 30 years as a top prosecutor, protecting kids from sexual predators and human trafficking and making sure violent criminals are held accountable for their crimes. She is an international expert in DNA/Cold Case investigations and prosecutions.
Schubert’s experience stands in great contrast to recently appointed Attorney General Rob Bonta, a former State Assemblyman who was appointed to the job in spite of having no experience in public safety or as a prosecutor.
Visit SchubertForAG.com for more information.