On-Campus Fun for Kids
Oct 21, 2020 12:00AM ● By By Thomas J. SullivanFirst grade teacher Jennipher Baker leads instruction and has been teaching 13 years for Rocklin Academy Family of Schools. Photo: ARCA
CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA (MPG) - A new Charter school, American River Collegiate Academy at 7755 Hazel Avenue in Orangevale, which serves the Citrus Heights surrounding area, welcomed its first Kindergarten and first grade students to on-campus classes last week.
“We’re delighted to be open to the public, and to tell parents of kindergarten and first grade students what our school has to offer,” said school principal Trisha Smith.
Parents of kindergarten and first grade-age students can apply for admission and schedule a campus tour through the school website. The charter school offers staggered drop off and pick up times for its students and a subsidized nutrition program, she said.
The American River Collegiate Academy is part of the Rocklin Academy of Charter Schools. Smith, its first principal, said her school has a staff of seven, which includes three teachers and two classroom support staff.
She wanted to reassure parents that American River Collegiate Academy is continually taking all possible steps to protect the health and safety of its students.
“We listened closely to what Sacramento County required of us to open, and we put in place very thorough health and cleanliness protocols in all our classrooms in our overall site plan,” she said. “Everyone chips in to sanitize and clean our campus three times a day.”
American River Collegiate Academy, which is authorized by the Sacramento County Office of Education, has its eyes on future growth and intends to add an academic grade each year in the future until it reaches physical capacity, Smith said.
On campus instruction is held Monday through Thursday and a morning Zoom session for core knowledge learning support is offered on Fridays.
The school’s three-hour daily learning structure offers its young students a choice of a three-hour morning or an afternoon instruction session. When not in the classroom, students are given homework for at-home learning with parental support.
“There’s an hour between when the morning session is dismissed, and the afternoon session arrives.” The morning session receives a grab-and-go lunch.
“It’s an absolutely fantastic feeling to see their young faces,” she said. “They’re excited to be coming to school.”
“We worked on the school site plan early [o]n,” she said. “Our students and staff are encouraged to wear masks and we’ve had success with that.” Teachers wear full protective personal protective equipment (PPE) in the classroom. Students are required to socially distance themselves in the classroom and seating is spaced six feet apart.
“They’ve adapted very well to what we’ve asked of them,” Smith said. “In addition, plexiglass barriers are in place between student workspaces and adequate classroom ventilation is maintained.”
“We’ve worked closely with the families who’ve enrolled their children on all these requirements as we keep them safe.
Students are provided a nutritional and recreational break during each daily session at school. While the academy doesn’t have a grade K-1 specific play structure, it does provide individual sports equipment which is cleaned thoroughly after each class use. All staff model hand washing and proper personal hygiene habits throughout the day.
Parents may view the school’s specific 2020-21 Comprehensive School Safety plan which is published on the school web site. Information includes additional health and safety measures in place for the entry and exit of students, teachers, and visitors, and additional requirements for all people when on the school campus.
American River Collegiate Academy (K-1) learning program is based around a core knowledge curriculum, Smith said.
“Our first-grade students are starting to learn about ancient Egypt and are involved in individual music and arts projects,” she said.
Emphasis is placed on math, reading and language arts, science and history, character education, social emotional learning and music, art, and the performing arts.
The Orangevale Charter school encourages participating parents to become part of its Parent School Partnership (PSP) and volunteer a minimum of 30 hours per family per school year.
“We are committed to moving the school into Citrus Heights as soon as we can,” said Jillayne Anton, director of growth and community engagement for the Rocklin Academy Family of Schools.
“We’re working with a development company to build a campus on a piece of land in Citrus Heights, and with the city’s Planning Department as we go through the entitlements process.”
“We want to get the word out there that we’re here for the children of Orangevale and Citrus Heights,” she said. “We’re here for the kids.”
For now, the American River Collegiate Academy, authorized by the Sacramento County Office of Education is temporarily located at 7755 Hazel Avenue in Orangevale. To schedule a campus tour call 916-672-3550. Visit American River Collegiate Academy on the web at: https://americanriveracademy.org/