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Elk Grove Citizen

Jewish Food Fest Goes Drive-by

Aug 05, 2020 12:00AM ● By Story and photo by Susan Maxwell Skinner

A 43-year Carmichael tradition, this year's Jewish Food Faire Festival will conform to COVID regulations and offer pre-ordered food for pick-up.

CARMICHAEL, CA (MPG) - The 43rd annual food festival at Carmichael's Congregation Beth Shalom promises fine Jewish cooking on Sunday, August 30. Due to COVID restrictions, all food must this year be preordered and taken away.

“These are non-traditional times,” says festival organizer Lydia Inghram. “We didn’t want to cancel our fundraiser. So we’re offering traditional delicacies for safe pickup. We hope loyal customers will support this format. Our volunteers will wear masks and gloves as they bring food to cars. Customers should wear masks, too.”

Food must be pre-ordered on line by August 20. Menu options appear at

Classic lox and bagels -- served with cream cheese and capers -- is an all-time event favorite. Packaged deals include corned beef and pastrami sandwiches. Meats, chopped liver and herring may be purchased for home meal preparation. Matzo ball soup, stuffed cabbage rolls and chopped liver are available in frozen packages. An Israeli salad medley is a vegan option. Strudel, baklava, coffee cakes and babka are among desserts. Bakery offerings include specialty breads.

While much of the menu is prepared locally, other options are shipped from famous Jewish delis in Oakland and Brooklyn. Gourmet kosher pickles come from the Sonoma Brinery. August 30 pick-ups will start at 9 am and continue till 3pm. 

The event’s popular craft-vending, music and kids’ games are on hold this year. “We hope we can bring all our festivities back in 2021,” says Lydia Inghram. “For 2020, it’s all about the food and being safe.” 

Anyone may support the fundraiser. To pre-order food, visit   

Sponsors include: Sacramento Jewish Federation; Assemblyman Ken Cooley; Eskaton Village (Carmichael); Pomopolis Farms; Shalom School; American River Bank; Sonoma Brinery; Upper Crust Baking Company; Pita Kitchen; Green’s Homestyle (Brooklyn, NY); Lydia Inghram; JIL Design Group; Lind Bros Funeral Home.

Beth Shalom Synagogue is located at 4746 El Camino Avenue.