Keeping You Connected to Assistance League of Sacramento
Jul 23, 2020 12:00AM ● By By Mary McPherson, Assistance League of SacramentoMary McPherson, President of Assistance League of Sacramento. Photo provided by ALS
We are back in action again!
After a three month closure, our Fabulous Finds on Fulton resale shop reopened for donations on June 15 with limited hours and days for receiving goods. As expected, we were swamped with both goods and good words of support from our customers.
The retail floor opened on June 18 with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and procedures for a safe shopping environment firmly in place. Thank you to the many shoppers who returned on reopening day and cooperated fully with our requirement to wear masks and the limit of ten customers in the store at one time.
Our programs will resume slowly, as several factors impact our ability to provide services. Funding through successful shop sales is a factor, as well as protocols and regulations stipulated by the schools and agencies we serve. Our school-based programs, as well as Senior Friendship, will be delayed awaiting procedures for facilities reopening.
Even during the closure of our facility, our Scholarship program processed and awarded 23 scholarships to local community college students. We also provided diapers to homeless babies who are served by Maryhouse and provided 10 apartment starter kits to Sacramento County foster youth.
We thank you for your financial donations through the Sacramento Region Community Foundation's Big Day of Giving. The giving spirit of our community was truly in evidence as this was the most successful Big Day of Giving since its inception.
This is a particularly devastating time for nonprofits. Our organization derives 80% of the funding for our community services from our retail business. Its three month closure has temporarily hampered our ability to serve our community at our normal level. We will gladly accept your financial donations, as we strive to meet community needs through these changing times.
Keep well and safe.
Mary McPherson