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Elk Grove Citizen

Drive-By Graduates Celebrate in New-Norm Style

Jun 11, 2020 12:00AM ● By Story and photos by Susan Maxwell Skinner

El Camino High School chums mob the dais during drive-through graduation festivities at Carmichael Elks Lodge.

Drive-By Graduates Celebrate in New-Norm Style [5 Images] Click Any Image To Expand

CARMICHAEL, CA (MPG) - El Camino High School parents and teachers last weekend gave COVID year students a graduation they’ll never forget. More than 100 seniors took part in a “drive-by” ceremony at the Carmichael Elks Lodge. In decorated cars crammed with family, teenagers solemnized their educational milestone in new-norm style. Robbed of passing-out traditions by school closures and social distancing regulations, the seniors nevertheless put on caps, gowns and cheerful faces.

Edward Elgar's “Pomp and Circumstance” was piped into the parking lot. The anthem blended with revving engines, blaring horns, cheers, Hawaiian conch calls and more screams than at a rock concert. Diplomas were brandished. Carmichael Elks donated the venue and showed up with banners of support for the kids.

San Juan School District was not involved in arrangements. Volunteer organizers had no idea if graduates would support such a makeshift event. When 100-plus cars jammed Hackberry and Cypress Avenues – and when teachers joined student relatives in the Elks parking lot – organizers knew they had a hit. “We’re sad we couldn’t have an actual graduation,” said Jennifer Stevens (18). “But were glad everyone did their best to make us feel special.”

Slicker than a hamburger takeout operation, decorated vehicles halted to deliver each graduate at a dais. The achievers were announced and applauded. They then returned to vehicles and cruised off to park and continue horn cacophonies for classmates.

“My daughter Maya was president of the school drama club and she graduated with honors,” said organizer Maria Naumann. “I watched her get sadder and sadder when the production she and her friends worked so hard on – and every other end-of-year event – started cancelling.” 2020’s graduating class had no ball; no awards breakfast; no “senior sunset” to observe their last dusk as high schoolers. “There were so many disappointments,” explained Naumann. “I had to do something so they’d feel some closure for all their hard work.”

The mom’s month of searching for a drive-by venue was rewarded when Carmichael Elks rolled out a welcome mat. “Thanks to the Elks, our class of 2020 got a graduation ceremony,” said Naumann. “It wasn’t the traditional event they expected. But they were able to close their school year in a meaningful way.”

Congratulations to El Camino’s class of 2020. You (and your families and teachers) did it!