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Elk Grove Citizen

Carmichael Kids Head for National Quiz

Feb 28, 2020 12:00AM ● By Story and photos by Susan Maxwell Skinner

Three four-student teams from Winston Churchill Middle School recently qualified for the national Quiz Bowl championship in Washington DC. The teams will fight for the title in May. Team coach is Churchill science teacher Bruce Hansen (back row, right).

Carmichael Kids Head for National Quiz [2 Images] Click Any Image To Expand

CARMICHAEL, CA (MPG) - Top students at Carmichael’s Winston Churchill Middle School have their eyes on top US trophies. In spring, 7th and 8th Grade teams will travel east to match minds with the brightest in America. The brainy kids hope their sparring will result in national Quiz Bowl and Science Bowl victories.

Sponsored by National Academic Quiz Tournaments, Quiz Bowl is a Jeopardy-style test of general knowledge. Science Bowl is run by the Department of Energy and challenges entrants with science and math-related conundrums. Churchill students were runner-up Quiz Bowl champs last year; another school team recently qualified for Science Bowl with a Bay Area division triumph.

Far from resting on laurels, young Einsteins study relentlessly. “When we first went to Quiz Bowl in 2015, we got soundly beaten by Bay Area kids,” recalls San Juan School District teacher Bruce Hansen. “We were competing against some of the top teams in the country. By the end of the year, we’d closed that gap. Today, our school is considered a powerhouse – it’s chilling to hear the name “Churchill” being whispered across a room when we arrive at competitions.” Progress comes with sacrifice. After tough school weeks, the adolescents head out for distant school campuses on Saturdays. “The kids and their parents are troopers,” marvels Hansen. “Driving hundreds of miles to compete with other teams is critical. Our kids also work for hours after school and on weekends.” While the Energy Department funds Science Bowl travel; expenses for Quiz Bowl are met by contestants and their families.

Churchill wizards are also athletes and musicians; they regularly win school spelling bees. But in the quiz world, individual kudos comes second to team glory. “Each one of us is important,” explains Sky Yip (13). “We support each other; a team can’t succeed in competition otherwise.” For (mostly) straight A-students, time management is another vital skill. “With so much to do, learning to plan and prioritize is the key,” says Elyas Nuh (14).

Quiz Bowl nationals will be held in Chicago from May 7-10. Science Bowl runs from April 30 to May 4 in Washington DC. Churchill hopefuls will include three groups of four students for Quiz Bowl. A five-student team will contest Science Bowl.

 “Competing in national teams will look good on the kids’ future resumes,” considers coach Hansen. “But it’s not all work for them. In Chicago, they’ll visit the Chicago Institute of Art. They’ll see museums, a planetarium, an aquarium and they’ll go to the tops of the highest buildings. They’re also looking forward to authentic Chicago pizza.”