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Elk Grove Citizen

The Bucks Start Here

Feb 28, 2020 12:00AM ● By Photo and story by Susan Maxwell Skinner

The Buck family put on a tasty reception for the after hours mixer.

CARMICHAEL, CA (MPG) - Del Campo High School graduate Jeffrey Buck never got into trouble for partying when mom and dad left town. Instead, he got busted for taking their cars apart and rebuilding them.

The teenage passion paid off and now Jeffrey is an expert on Honda and Asian vehicle repairs. He and his wife Rosie have opened shop as Buck Family Automotive (7637 Fair Oaks Blvd, Carmichael).

The Bucks recently co-hosted a Carmichael Chamber of Commerce mixer with Chris Camarena (center) from the Silicon valley-based Ooma telecommunications company.

The Ooma company representatives have set up operations at 2260 Douglas Blvd, Roseville.