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Elk Grove Citizen

Sunrise Waffle Celebrates Grand Opening

Aug 15, 2019 12:00AM ● By MPG Staff

Michael Munareh cuts the ribbon to celebrate his grand opening. Photo by Paul Scholl

Rancho Cordova, CA (MPG) – Owner Michael Muhareh, along with his family, friends and restaurant staff recently celebrated their grand opening and move to their new location at 10433 Folsom Blvd. in Rancho Cordova.

Sunrise Waffle has been a part of the community for many years and the move to the new home was long in the planning. “Thank you to everyone for coming today. We have had great support from the city and the community. We are so grateful to be in Rancho Cordova, said Michael.

Attending were member of the Rancho Cordova Chamber of Commerce and city staff. Mayor Bob McGarvey presented a special proclamation. The restaurant treated everyone to waffle and breakfast samples. Best of Luck Michael!