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Elk Grove Citizen

Sacramento Employment Trends

Nov 05, 2015 12:00AM ● By Source: Rick Reed Public Relations

Hiring in the Sacramento region has exploded. Seventy-six percent, or just over three quarters of all companies surveyed in direct contacts by phone report, have opened doors for applicants, raising the demand a full six percentage points over this same time last year. Just twenty-four percent (24%) of top regional employers surveyed between August 17th and September 17th say they are not hiring in in the upcoming months.

When asked about motivation for hiring in October, November, and December, Pacific Staffing learned more than half—54%—of Sacramento regional hiring related to workforce growth or expansion of payrolls. However, a larger number—61%—say part of their hiring is required for replacements or attrition among existing employees.

Pacific Staffing also discovered a shortage of qualified applicants and growing worry about retention in keeping those already on the payrolls. Going back to 1992 when the Employment Trends Survey began among top Sacramento regional employers, an unprecedented number of companies report difficulty in finding people with skills to do the work. When asked what challenges they face in hiring, 26% of Sacramento regional companies polled report concerns about finding qualified applicants.


Skills Demand

Shortages of skills include construction trades, route and delivery drivers, RNs with obstetrics experience, sales and accounting, or finance backgrounds. Skills also in-demand include customer service, warehouse, shipping, manufacturing, product assembly, and general office experience.


Special Report: Degrees in Hiring

When asked, “If you were a student, what specific degree, major, or course of study would be most beneficial to getting a job after graduation?” Sacramento employers overwhelmingly said a business administration degree is your best choice. Many also suggested that the degree should include an important minor, such as communications, English, finance/accounting, or economics. Fifty percent of all sectors in service, manufacturing, construction, and retail contacts recommended business.

Seven percent suggested English, while another 7% cited information technology as a major. Five percent said accounting/finance or economics. Other interesting choices included medicine/health, systems analysis, and a new degree in mechatronics. The latter is a new major, blending skills relating to both mechanical engineering and electronic systems.

Sacramento regional top companies polled by industry: 42% are service, 27% are manufacturers, 17% are construction, and 14% are retail.

How does this quarter compare to last quarter or last year? Find out for yourself. For more information, employment blogs, and market surveys, go to

Source: Rick Reed Public Relations